go to the mattresses (third-person singular simple present goes to the mattresses, present participle going to the mattresses, simple past went to the mattresses, past participle gone to the mattresses)
#1: In 1530 the combined troops of Charles V and Medici Pope Clement VII lay siege to Florence. The bell tower of San Miniato al Monte was part of the defences. Michelangelo Buonarroti was put in charge of defending the city. He used the ploy of hanging mattresses on the outside of the tower to minimize damage from cannon fire.#2: In times of war or siege, Italian families would vacate their homes and flee to safer areas. The family would need to bring in mattresses to their new location while their original homes were considered dangerous.
Going to the Mattresses
Today, defending a castle with mattresses or relocating your family to an unequipped place seems silly. What we can apply though is the concept of preparation. Tactical actions that strategically accomplish the objective.
Clemenza:That Sonny's runnin' wild. He's thinking of going to the mattresses already.Sonny:No, no, no! No more! Not this time, consiglieri. No more meetings, no more discussions, no more Sollozzo tricks. You give 'em one message: I want Sollozzo. If not, it's all-out war: we go to the mattresses.
In Sacramento, State Senator (then an assemblymember) Loni Hancock, a liberal go-getter environmentalist from Oakland, introduced a bill that would require the mattress industry to provide cradle-to-grave accountability for their product. According to a study prepared by UCSB environmental scholars at that time, Californians bought 4.6 million new mattresses a year and disposed of 4.2 million. The study concluded that 85 percent of the carcasses could be cost-effectively recycled.
The uniQure preclinical team around Pavlina Konstantinova, Melvin Elvers and Astrid Vallès-Sanchez therefore decided to perform minipig studies to assess the distribution of the AMT-130 virus vector, its ability to reduce mHtt production, and its long-term safety. Several studies using the minipigs were successfully conducted by the study team in the following years, and some are still ongoing.
Time to take this to another level! We are 86 likes to 1000 on FB Top Turf and my boss and the other managers told me I can't do it... I'm thinking they are just taunting me to push me harder... or they just don't believe that I can get us to 1000 likes! What? Who do they they think they are talking to? I don't except "NO"..."I cant" .... That's it "I'm taking this to the mattresses!" (got to love the Godfather for a little motivation) You know what I'm talkin about? .... What am I? A schmuck on wheels? (Good Fellas)...So let's do this! .... click here if you have a Facebook account and like Top Turf!
This radio segment from the program 'This American Life' tells the story of Shamyla, who grew up as the adoptive child of her aunt and uncle in the United States but whose biological parents in Pakistan wanted her back in their care. The family argued over this for years, Shamyla's adoptive mother saying "I'm not going to give her back. She's not a ball, I can't toss her back." When Shamyla was twelve years old while on a visit to Pakistan, her birth parents took her on a trip out to the countryside and did not return. Shamyla's adoption had been informal and, as such, her US parents had no legal recourse to get her back. Shamyla's birth parents kept her essentially under house arrest in Pakistan, fearing that she was "far too independent for a girl." In their care, she claims she suffered physical and sexual abuse. After several years in Pakistan, she returned to the US to live with her adoptive family where she suffered culture shock and more confusion.
The name is also quite fitting because Pin Pan Pun works with many hotels which tend to purchase rollaway beds frequently. Pin Pan Pun strives to meet all mattress needs including hotel mattress sets, memory foam mattresses, Soflux fabric mattresses and accessories. Hospitals, hotels, jails and nursing homes nationwide can find the mattresses they need through Pin Pan Pun.
A notable example was a demonstration organized by StandOut in 2012. The students brought mattresses onto Speedway and acted as they normally would in their dorm rooms to show what it could look like for students of different genders to share a room. Soon after this demonstration, The University Residence Hall Organization unanimously approved a resolution advocating the implementation of Gender-Inclusive Housing on campus. In response, Director of Residence Life Hemlata Jhaveri said that Gender-Inclusive Housing could be implemented by 2013.
EC. So the critical question is, can we do this crosstalk cancellation without having to erect a barrier? It is important to understand that this is a well-established challenge, and that research on crosstalk cancellation has been going on since as early as 1961. Initially it was done using all-analog circuitry, and some interesting results were obtained. More recently, digital audio has come along, and we have been able to construct cancellation filters in the digital domain, but even that has been going on for a long time before I got involved!
I’m going to tell you about one of the first government projects that we remember about in our community. It happened in the late 1930’s or early 1940’s, we don’t remember which. We lived on a farm in Douglas County. Our postoffice was Ava. We met the first time in our community building. The only building we had for a community building was the old schoolhouse, and we had the meeting in the schoolhouse.
And this was the material that we used for the mattresses (cotton and ticking). We didn’t have a building to store things in, so Mrs. Hale was with me at the meeting and we lived close together at the time, and our husbands were good friends and they swapped work. So Mr. Hale said he would move his farm machinery out under the trees and we could use his machinery shed to store our supplies. And that’s what we did. We made the mattresses out under the trees. But we had big old bales of cotton, like the big rolled bales of hay that you have now. They came from the gin in rolls and that was what the government people brought us to make mattresses with.
There were four of us ladies that went in to learn how to make the mattresses. We were supposed to teach other ladies and they were supposed to go home and teach their neighbors. That was what you were supposed to do. Well, we ended up working the whole time. Because some of the ladies would come and get their mattresses, but they lived 15 or 20 miles away, and they would say, "Mrs. Hale, we can’t come back. They had their mattress. They didn’t have to. But the cotton was heavy and they couldn’t get it home to their neighbors.
Then you made a cover. We made our mattresses with ticking like this. We sewed them together and then we sewed the corners over to make square corners. After we made the cover, we slipped it over the cotton and then we tacked it. Here’s the needles we used. Real large. The ladies couldn’t push them through the mattresses, so the men had to get down under the frame and push them through. They taught us to use these little tufts of cotton to put the tacking string through. In those days men’s work shoes were made of leather, tough leather. So instead of the little cotton tufts, we would take the men’s equipment and cut little round circles out of that leather, punched holes in them, they looked like a button. We’d run our twine through that and it made a much smoother mattress.
The instructions in keeping them neatly were to carry the mattresses out in the sun every so often and sun them. And then whip them hard, good. And it made a beautiful and very nice mattress. They tell me now that if you are so fortunate as to have one of these mattresses, there is a factory in Springfield that you can take them to and they’ll rip them up and use this first grade cotton (it’s white, and now the mattresses you have are made with gray cotton) and they’ll put innersprings in them and they can make you two nice mattresses with innersprings in them with the old cotton, and you can have a nice new one.
One time, while we were making the mattresses, a bale of cotton caught afire. They cautioned us "Now please don’t let fire get in your cotton. It’ll just burn like kerosene." The ladies were careful about their smoking, but, you know, men know they’re not going to get anything afire. And one man was holding his cigarette down so carefully and he got that bale of cotton afire. There was no way you could put it out. We just had to roll it off in the creek.
Oh, I almost forgot, you had to make a comforter at the center, because with each mattress the ladies got a comforter. They put the material in a frame and spread cotton out neat between the material, and tacked it. We made two mattresses a day. We had hoped to teach somebody else. Then we wouldn’t have to work at it. Some ladies did come. Everyday they walked clear up the hill and helped. It went on six months or more.
The government people said the program was so that folks could have beds to sleep on. Most folks back then had straw beds and used father ticks on them. Feather comforters I believe you call them now. People came from miles and miles around. Supposedly when we first began it would only last three weeks. Mrs. Hale thought it was going to last forever. You couldn’t quit. At first they were afraid of it. They wouldn’t sign up. But after we started they saw the mattresses were nice. You can sun these mattresses and they are still nice. I’m not so fortunate as to have one, but I know some people that do. Soon everybody wanted one. And they would come and Hester (Mrs. Hale) was tenderhearted and she’d never turn anybody away. 2ff7e9595c