In the 1960s the national organization did not condone the use of canes or Kappa Alpha Psi's participation in step shows contending that "the hours spent in step practices by chapters each week would be better devoted to academic or civic achievement."[5] Senior Grand Vice Polemarch Ullysses McBride complained about the vulgar language and obscene gestures sometimes engaged in by cane-stepping participants during these stepshows.[5] In 1986, during the fraternity's 66th national meeting, cane stepping was finally recognized as an important staple of Kappa Alpha Psi.[5]
Mason National Pan-Hellenic Council steps up
The National Fraternity and Sorority Scorecard aggregates data across member institutions to give a clearer picture of how councils and chapters are performing on key indicators. The scorecard gives institutions and national organizations the information they need to benchmark their local chapters against the national landscape. 2ff7e9595c